unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


The italian government approves 2023-2025 planning on new flows

After the Senate’s approval, the Chamber’s Constitutional Affairs Committee gave its consent concerning the planning of legal entry flows into Italy for foreign workers for the three-year period 2023-2025. This draft decree had originally been approved by the government on 6 July.

The decree defines the criteria for the new entry flows and provides for a total of 452,000 entries, of which 136,000 in 2023, 151,000 in 2024 and 165,000 in 2025. As for 2023, the new quotas will be available once the new Prime Ministerial Decree is published in the Official Journal. At that point, it will be possible to submit new applications for employment according to the categories and timetable indicated in the decree itself. Interestingly, for the first time in many years, a reserve of 9,500 places per year has been set aside for non-seasonal employees in the family and social health care sector.