unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 16 May 2024 | 0 Comments

New instructions for the out-of-quota entry of workers of Italian companies abroad

On the Services Portal of the Ministry of the Interior, it is possible to submit the application for a permit for the entry into Italy of foreign workers who have worked abroad for at least twelve months with Italian companies or affiliates.

This new opportunity, recently introduced in the Consolidated Immigration Act (Legislative Decree No. 286/1998, Article 27, paragraph 1, letter i bis), enables these companies to employ the same workers in Italy as well, without being subject to constraints related to the quota decree. To streamline the permit application process, the Ministry of the Interior has published instructions on its website. This new procedure provides Italian companies with greater flexibility in transferring workers from foreign locations to Italian territory, thereby promoting business continuity and facilitating the management of qualified personnel.

To consult and fill out the form: https://portaleservizi.dlci.interno.it/AliSportello/ali/home.htm