unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 18 July 2024 | 0 Comments

National operation against labour exploitation in the agricultural sector

On July 3, as part of actions to combat labour exploitation, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies coordinated a major nationwide extraordinary surveillance operation. During the operation, 310 agricultural companies were inspected. Of these, 206 were found to be non-compliant, accounting for 66.45% of the total. A total of 2,051 workers were checked, of whom 616 were found to be irregular, and of these, 216 were completely off the books.

In detail, among the examined work positions, 38.32% were occupied by non-EU citizens. Of these, 308 were employed irregularly, with 96 workers off the books and 22 lacking a valid residence permit. The inspections led to the adoption of 128 business suspension measures, representing 41.29% of the companies inspected. The amounts related to these suspensions amounted to 250,800 euros. The reasons included 60 suspensions for off-the-books work and 51 for serious safety violations. Fines and administrative penalties amounting to a total of 1,686,161 euros were also imposed.

In the criminal law field, 171 individuals, including 157 company managers, were referred to the Judicial Authorities for violations of occupational health and safety regulations (Legislative Decree 81/2008). 382 prescriptions were issued and 2 seizure orders were adopted. In addition, 10 people were reported for illegal brokering and labour exploitation in the provinces of Latina, L’Aquila, Turin, Cuneo, Rieti, and Caltanissetta.