unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 13 June 2024 | 0 Comments

INPS: income support for those awaiting the renewal of their residence permit

Foreign citizens who have applied for the renewal of their residence permit are entitled to receive various economic benefits in support of their income provided by INPS, such as the unemployment benefits Naspi and Dis-Coll, and the nursery bonus. This was confirmed by INPS in its message no. 1589 of 22 April 2024, after consulting the State Attorney’s Office.

INPS refers to Article 9 bits of Legislative Decree 286/1998, which states: “Pending the issue or renewal of the residence permit, even if the sixty-day deadline is not respected, the foreign worker may reside legitimately in the territory of the State and temporarily carry out work activities until any communication from the public security authorities indicating reasons that prevent the issue or renewal of the residence permit”.

In addition, the Directive of the Ministry of the Interior of 5 August 2006 clarifies that the immigration regulations guarantee the continuity of legal residence, allowing the foreign citizen who has applied for the renewal of a residence permit to remain in the national territory with full rights, based on the documentation issued by the office attesting to the renewal application.

INPS concludes that the territorial structures must arrange for the payment of the benefits requested by insured persons awaiting the renewal of their residence permit, subject to verification of the legal requirements. However, payment will be made subject to repayment in the event of a refusal of renewal.