unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


Labour exploitation: fines of up to 5,500 euros for employers who force workers to live in inhumane conditions

In response to concerns raised by the European Commission, the decree law approved by the Council of Ministers on September 4 introduces severe penalties for employers who exploit foreign workers by offering inadequate housing or imposing disproportionate rental fees.

The law establishes fines ranging from 350 to 5,500 euros for each foreign worker employed. Specifically, the provision penalizes employers who provide housing that does not meet living standards or is offered at an excessive cost relative to the quality of the accommodation and the worker’s salary. The direct deduction of rent from the worker’s paycheck, a common practice in exploitative situations, is also prohibited and sanctioned. The decree further stipulates that the rent is considered “excessive” if it exceeds one-third of the worker’s salary.