unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 4 July 2024 | 0 Comments

From the Ministry of Labour the Intensification of actions against labour exploitation

A meeting convened by the government with social partners, trade unions, and employers was held a few days ago. Participants included the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, the Head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of the Interior, the Prefect, and representatives of Inail, Inl, Inps, and the Carabinieri of the Labour Protection Unit.

The meeting underscored the importance of intensifying actions to combat illegal recruitment practices through a shared strategy that includes strengthening inspections, increasing the number of inspectors, enhancing the agricultural network, and ensuring the interoperability of databases. All government representatives expressed strong condemnation for what happened to the young laborer in Cisterna di Latina.

The Minister of Labour and Social Policies, Marina Calderone, emphasised the need to intensify inspections and to work synergistically on the consultation of available databases. She explained that the information system for combating labour exploitation will be improved through collaboration with Inps, Inail, and the Carabinieri, also using data from the Agea archive to obtain useful indicators for inspections.