unione europea
pon inclusione
ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali


comunicazione | 3 August 2023 | 0 Comments

Training internships for foreign workers in the agricultural sector: a new initiative for socio-economic integration

In Basilicata, an initiative has been launched to promote the integration of foreign workers in the agricultural sector through training courses and internships. The initiative is part of the P.I.U. Su.Pr.Eme. project, carried out in collaboration with Alsia (Lucanian Agency for Agricultural Development and Innovation) and ARLAB (Regional Agency for Employment and Learning in Basilicata).

The main objective of this project is to provide operational specialization tools to migrant workers, helping them integrate effectively into the agricultural sector. Thanks to funding from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Directorate General of Immigration and Integration Policies, and the European Union, through the PON Inclusione European Social Fund 2014-2020, it was possible to transform an experimental path started a year ago into a broader and more structured system action.

To promote the integration of foreign workers in the agricultural sector, Alsia has published a call aimed at companies operating in the agricultural sector that wish to host extracurricular internships for foreign workers. Initially, 25 internship positions will be offered to those who have completed at least one of the training course, including phytosanitary treatments, pruning techniques for olive groves, greenhouse, nursery attendants, vine pruning techniques, agricultural machinery operation, and animal care attendants.The internships will have a duration of at least two months, with a maximum commitment of 80 hours of activity per month.